Trial of the crusader not starting
Trial of the crusader not starting

The locked Covenant choice has been a sore subject ever since the beta (alpha?), with Blizzard adamantly claiming it was an important role playing decision and sticking with it all through 9.1.

trial of the crusader not starting trial of the crusader not starting

Other Reddit users also confirmed they're not able to create Class Trials. However, Reddit user meaghanne discovered on her stream that the Class Trial checkbox isn't available after Blizzard revamped the character creation screen in the Shadowlands pre-patch. Note: You cannot enter raids or low-level dungeons while on a Class Trial, nor complete world quests. You can purchase and use a Character Boost to permanently unlock your trial character. After the trial is over, your character is locked from further play. Your new trial character is playable for three hours, or until you select a zone from the Scouting Map in Battle for Azeroth.

trial of the crusader not starting

To start a new Class Trial, tick the Class Trial checkbox while creating a new character. You can use this feature to take a character for a test drive, see how a certain race or class looks in-game, or for any reason you may want to test out a new character. If your World of Warcraft account is upgraded to the newest expansion, you can take advantage of the Level 48 Class Trial.

Trial of the crusader not starting