If a Physically Immune monster has taken damage from another source, Open Wounds will cause the monster to lose life, albeit less effectively. Once one gets enough chance to cause Open Wounds and a high enough level, Prevents Monster Heal is no longer necessary, as the damage dealt will overpower any monster's regeneration, no matter the monster type, even on Hell Difficulty. It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Open Wounds, as most Open Wounds items stack. Versus bosses and champions the damage is divided by 2.
With a missile weapon versus a player, damage is divided by 8.
Versus a player, damage is divided by 4. Two-Hand Damage: (204-234) To (421-483) (312.5-358.5 Avg) Required Level: 75 Required Strength: 164 Required Dexterity: 55 Durability. A formula depending on character level is used to determine how much life is lost per frame: When striking open wounds, an attack will cause an enemy to bleed uncontrollably, losing life over time.
Open Wounds is a special magic property added to certain Set or Unique Items, but not to Magic or Rare Items. For similar effect in Diablo III, see Bleed.